Rendering smart home device.

11 Smart Kitchen Appliances You Need To Get

So, I’m pretty sure we are all looking for ways to make our busy lives easier. Even though I don’t have any kids yet, I already think it’s hard to get time for cooking and therefore I want to find smart kitchen applinaces that can make my everyday life a little bit easier.

I can only imagine how much of a relief some of these products could be for families with kids and no interest in cooking. That’s why I have gahtered my best finds in smart kitchen appliances, just to make your life a little bit easier! And if you have any favorites that you can’t find in this post, please share them in the comments so that we can help each other.

Smart kitchen appliances pinterest pin.

1. Slow Cooker


Let’s start off strong with a slow cooker. This is truly a smart kitchen device, since it’s replacing 14 cooking tools and appliances. That makes this device a 14-in-1 slow cooker, how awesome is that?! Some of the tools included in this smart kitchen appliance are a nonstick pot, roasting pan, bread maker, and Dutch oven, and that’s just 4 of the 14 tools it replaces.

You can’t say no to that, can you?

2. Self-Heating Coffee Mug


From a slow cooker to a self-heating coffee mug, something almost every coffee drinker need. I think you can relate to making a cup of coffee, then having 10 other things to do, only to find your coffee has gone cold. That’s why this mug is amazing. It allows you to take your time drinking your coffee—it will still be warm. An amazing mug, to say the least!

3. Self-Cleaning Cutting Board & Knife Set


A cutting board and a knife are something we all use almost every day, and it also results in a lot of dishes. This smart device includes three cutting boards, five knives, and one pair of scissors, and the best part is—it cleans itself! I am just wondering why I haven’t seen this before. It will save you so much time!

Just imagine when you’re done with the cutting board and knife, you simply put them back, start the cleaning program, and they’re clean until the next time you need them. This is something you definitely need!

4. 6-in-1 Indoor Grill


This is a highly apprceiated kitchen appliance, especially if you’re someone living in an apartment without access to an outdoor grill but still love the taste of grilled beef or a grilled hamburger. I believe you should have the opportunity to enjoy that flavor anyway, which is why this indoor grill will be your best friend.

But it gets even better than that! It’s not just a grill; it also has five other functions including air crisp, roast, bake, broil, and dehydrate. You need to learn more about this amazing device!

5. Breakfast Maker


This is the perfect device to make a luxurious breakfast in no time! And you save a lot of dishes. It can’t get any better than that, right? This 3-in-1 breakfast maker allows you to toast bread while simultaneously cooking eggs and bacon, or whatever you like.

To make it even better, it has a built-in adjustable timer to ensure precise cooking. These are just some of the best advantages of this amazing device, but of course, there’s more. Read more to find out the other benefits!

6. Egg Cooker


Are you tired of needing to time your eggs and never getting them exactly as you want? Then I have the perfect solution for you! This egg cooker allows you to cook 4 eggs at a time, ensuring they are perfect every time. Discover how this simple device can transform your breakfast routine!

7. Electric Pepper & Salt Grinder Set


This electric salt and pepper grinder set is so smart and makes it very easy to get just the right amuont of salt and pepper when cooking. You simply turn the grinder upside down and dispense as much as you wish. It’s not only smart but also a luxury. I believe these are a must in every home as they make it so much easier to get fresh ground salt and pepper. Treat yourself this smart device!

8. Rice Cooker


Next up, a rice cooker. This is something I have been using for as long as I can remember. It’s just so simple and useful, that you can not, not use it. It’s just one less thing to keep an eye on when cooking. You simply do all of the measurements, turn the rice cooker on, and after a while, you have perfectly cooked rice.

This special rice cooker, of course, has multiple functions that allow you to prepare everything from oatmeal to quinoa, along with 12 other menu options such as white rice, GABA rice, porridge, and more! If you’re interested in this amazing rice cooker, click here to read more about it!

9. Kitchen Composter


Do you hate when the trash starts smelling? And it happens so fast, right? This composter is the perfect solution. Put all of your leftovers in this device, and within 24 hours, this smart appliance will have compsoted them. This will both help you get rid of the nasty smell and make you more eco-friendly, that’s sooo good!

10. Vegetable Chopper


This device is incredibly smart, including 15 different tools, making it a 15-in-1 smart kitchen appliance. You basically have everything you need for your vegetables and greens. You don’t need to use a cutting board or a knife because you have it all here! This will both save you space in your kitchen and help you cut your greens. You absolutely need to get this amazing tool!

11. All-in-One Auto Cooking Machine


I can confidently tell you I saved the best for last! This is, I think, the smartest kitchen appliance I have ever seen. It has 15+ functions, 15?? That’s too good to be true! Anyway, it’s a slow cooker, steamer, mixer, blender, sous-vide and more. Not only does it replace 15+ tools and gadgets, but it also offers over 600 online recipes in the app. Yes, it even has an app? Isn’t that awesome?

To make it even easier, it also has a built-in-scale that will allow you to measure precise and accurate. It’s absolutely perfect for a big family as the app allows you to control the device remotely. This will then allow you to do other chores while your meal is cooking. This truly is the ultimate kitchen tool for anyone looking to simplify and enhance their cooking experience. Oh, I forgot to mention, it even cleans itself. Just a small detail, right?

Man cutting tomato in kitchen, side view.


In conclusion, there are a few ways to make your everyday life a little bit easier. Since most of us live very stressful lives, with work all day long and then needing to do the laundry, cook, clean, and everything in between, I love smart kitchen appliances like these. They help make one of these chores a little easier, especially if you’re someone like me who doesn’t like to cook that much. Investing in these appliances can significantly reduce the time and effort spent on daily tasks. And why say no to that?

So, now I of course want to know what you think. Which appliance was your favorite? Which one will you get, and why? Or won’t you get any of them at all? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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