Burgundy is a color that has really been trending lately. I love this color, so why not bring it into your Christmas decorations as well? It adds a rich, warm touch that feels perfect for the holiday season. I have gahtered 10+ beautiful burgundy Christmas decorations to save you all the trouble of looking for it. Let’s dive in!

Table Runner
Start with a burgundy table runner along with a white linen cloth. This will give you the perfect base for a beautiful table setting for Christmas and the weeks before.

Pillar Candle Set of 3
$22.95 ($7.65 / Count)
Set out burgundy candles around your house in wooden candle pillar holders to make it really warm and cozy.

Candlestick Holder
For your burgundy candle sticks, you of course need to have a burgundy canldestick holder. You can also add a green candlestick in this holder for a more interesting look.
To wrap things up, adding burgundt to your Christmas decor is a simple way to create a warm, elegant vibe in your home. It also adds a trendy touch for the holiday season. Whehter it’s through table runners, ornaments, or other details, there are so many ways to bring this rich, beautiful color into your space. I hope these ideas inspire you to embrace the charm of burgundy for a cozy and stylish Christmas!
As always, please share pictures of your burgundy Christmas decorations and if you have great tips for how to include this rich color into your home, share them in the comments!