I am a person that hates to have a cluttered environment around me, I have a much harder time to focus. That’s why it’s so improtant to have a calm and clean enviornment to come home to. However, it can be overwhelming to know where to start your decluttering journey. So, let’s check out my 10 best decluttering tips.

1. 30-Day Minimalism Challenge
Start with a little challenge – the 30-day challenge. As you may already understood this challenge is designed to transform your mindset under only 30 days. So, each day offers a new opportunity to declutter a set number of items. For instance, on day one, you might start by removing just one item, and by day 30, you’ll be clearing out 30 items, gradually building momentum as you go.
This challenge will both help you declutter but also change your mindset, which will allow you to get rid of unnecessary things and by doing that creating a more harmonious environment with each day passing.

2. The Kon-Mari Method
The Kon-Mari method became popular a few years ago and is probably a method you have heard of. There is definitely a reason for it to be so popular. It’s a great strategy that makes the decluttering process of your home much easier and of course less overwhelming. The method focuses on sorting your things by category to make it easier for you to decide what you want to do with every item:
- Envision: Start by visaulizing your ideal lifestyle and the type of environment you want to live in.
- Categorize: Sort your belongings by category, beginning with clothing, followed by books, papers, sentimental items, and other things.
- Evaluate: Hold each item in your hands and ask yourself if it sparks joy. Keep only those items that gives you a positive emotinoal response.
- Donate: Get rid of or donate items that no longer serve a purpose or bring joy to your life.
- Arrange: Organize the items you’ve chosen to keep in a way that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
- Appreciate: Embrace gratitude for your belongings and the space they provide in your life.

3. The Four-Box Method
This method is simple yet very effective. You categorize four boxes with labels such as “keep,” “donate,” “trash,” and “relocate.” This helps you decide what to do with each item instead of just keeping or selling your things. By organizing your items this way, you can make more deliberate decisions and reduce clutter in a manageable and systematic way.

4. Wardrobe Capsule Approach
Okay, so I think we can all agree that clothes are something that most people tend to have way too much of. This often results in not even knowing what you own. By creating a capsule wardrobe, you focus on the basics that pair well with everything, and then you can add a few other pieces as needed. This concept is something you could extend into other areas of your home.
Start by choosing a well curated selection of items for each space by focusing only on function and purpose. Ask yourself what the purpose and function is of every piece. This will help you create a calm and less cluttered home allowing you to relax when you get home.

5. Digital Declutter
Today we don’t only have a cluttered home to live in but often also a digital clutter that without you knowing it makes you stressed. Therefore it’s important to also organize your digital files by making different folders meticulously. Take your time and delete apps and documents that you have no use for. And, don’t remember to organize your email by unsubscribing to unnecessary emails.

6. One In, One Out Rule
This is a rule I use myself. The idea is that if you buy something new, one item should go out. For instance, if you buy a new shirt, a shirt that you don’t wear often should be removed. This way, you prevent your closet from becoming too full, ensuring you always know what you have.

7. Room-by-Room Approach
When you think of how much you need to declutter, it can easily get overwhelming. You know you have like 10 rooms you must declutter. Also, when we get overwhelmed, we often don’t know where to start, which can result in nohting getting done. So, with that said, it’s much easier to tackle the decluttering process room by room, allowing you to give all your energy to each room.

8. Sentimental Sorting
One thing most people tend to do is keep things because they believe they hold sentimental value. However, much of it we don’t even realize we still have, which might suggest it doesn’t hold as much value as we think. So, start by asking yourself what the true value of the item is—does it genuinely bring you joy or serve a menaingful purpose, or is it simply taking up space?
Then, once you have your sentimental items sorted out, start organizing them into four different categories: “cherish,” “showcase,” “memorialize,” and “respect.”
- Cherish: Handle sentimental items with thoughtfulness and care.
- Showcase: Designate specific areas in your home to display cherished belongings.
- Memorialize: Preserve memories by taking photographs or assembling a memory box for items you’re ready to part with.
- Respect: Honor sentimental attachments while minimizing physical clutter.

9. Storage Solutions
Now for the storage solutions. It doesn’t really matter how much you sort your things if you don’t have effective storage options. If you have the opportunity to build custom storage, you can maximize space and create a tailored solution. However, you can also achieve great results on a budget. For instance, use stackable bins, under-bed storage boxes, or over-the-door organizers to make the most of your existing space without breaking the bank. You can find my best organization hacks here.

10. Regular Maintenance
So, last but not least, it’s important to maintain regular upkeep. By establishing a routine, such as the “one in, one out” rule, it’s much easier to keep your home organized in the future. You can also start by planning where you’ll put new items before you even buy them. For example, if you’re considering a new pillow, think about whether you need to replace an old one to make space. By doing this, you’ll likely bring home fewer unnecessary items.
So in conclusion, creating a clutter-free environment is about transforming your home into a peaceful and calm home that allows you to realax after a long day at work. By following these 10 decluttering tips, you can simplify the process and make it more manageable, room by room and item by item. Remember, decluttering is a journey, and with regular maintenance, you can enjoy a clean, calm, and beautiful home all year round.
And of course, I want to know your best tips to keep your home decluttered and to get started with it. This way, we can help each other! Also, let me know your progress and how your mood changes with a clutter-free home compared to a cluttered home.